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St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

The Welcome Table 2023 website
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New Service Schedule

St. Stephen's is a church that welcomes all people, wherever they are on their spiritual journey. We invite all newcomers to travel with us and to become involved as active members of our church community.


Worship at St. Stephen's


We are thrilled to host worship inside our sanctuary at 7:45AM & 10:30AM.


We look forward to welcoming you soon!

We continue to livestream our 10:30AM service via Facebook Live.

You do not need a Facebook account to watch the stream at 10:30AM

Once you get to the Facebook page be sure to scroll down to find the live post.


Please make sure to refresh your screen and scroll down until you see the live post.

Please see below for links and announcements.



We are so grateful for the generosity of out parish family. 

Please consider supporting the vital mission and ministries of St. Stephen's.


First opening its doors in 1969 as a ministry of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, the preschool offers a traditional half-day preschool program for children ages 2-5 years. Classes meet 2, 3 or 5 days per week, depending on the age of the children. We also offer a 1-morning per week Parent/Toddler program.

St. Stephen’s welcomes all children regardless of religion, race, national origin, ancestry or family configuration. Basic Judeo-Christian values of love, acceptance, and inclusiveness are lived out by everyone at the preschool.

Our staff members are trained in the field of Early Childhood Education. The longevity of our staff provides continuity from year to year as we offer a nurturing environment where children can grow and flourish.

For more information or to schedule a tour please call 661-259-8527

or email

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What's Happening at St. Stephen's?
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Join us on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 7PM at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church for a special forum regarding the ongoing war between Israel & Hamas with special guests The Right Rev. John Harvey Taylor, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author and scholar, Jack Miles. As we share this time together and explore what a Christian response to this moment looks like, we will ask questions, wrestle with the complexity of historical trauma and stand firm in our opposition to violence as an answer to any conflict.  While our objective with this forum is not to figure out how to bring peace to the Middle East. Perhaps though, we can find some common language and leave the experience with some sense of how the Holy Spirit is asking us, as followers of Jesus, to respond to this moment. Not simply through politics but with our hearts so that we might be a balm for those in pain and begin to be bridge builders creating pathways back to relationship where that seems impossible today.

St. Stephen’s is located at 24901 Orchard Village Road, Santa Clarita CA 91355 Our parking lot is located on the north side of our campus and is accessible from Orchard Village Road.  This event will not be available via livestream.

Click on the button below to register to attend.

Get to know St. Stephen's
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Worship is integral to our relationship with God, so we direct much thought and effort to providing the most meaningful and beautiful services. 

As a beacon of Christ's light in the World, St. Stephen's sponsors and participates in fellowship and service projects within the parish, in our local community, and across the globe.

Help Us to Spread Our Love and Faith!

Please consider a donation or volunteering to our Community Outreach

Stewardship 2021 - Every Perfect Gift

Stewardship is a cherished practice in the Episcopal Church it helps us to connect our lives to the core mission of St. Stephen's. We give thanks for the blessings bestowed on us and share with others in service. Stewardship helps us to open our home to all!

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